For Communities

All films in the Citizen Minutes series, along with our complimentary Community Engagement Toolbox, are available free of charge for community groups, non-profits, professional associations, post-secondary educators, government teams, and corporate groups to screen and engage in conversation around taking action and creative positive social change.

Interested in Hosting a Screening?


of audience members stated that the series educated them about a civic issue they hadn’t known about before


of audience members stated that the series showed them different ways to make change in Canada


of audience members stated that the series inspired them to get involved in their community

Community Engagement Toolbox

If you are interested in bringing the films to your community, we encourage you to use our complimentary Community Engagement Toolbox. Created in partnership with TMU’s Democratic Engagement Exchange, this toolbox enables communities across the country to engage with the films through interactive activities and discussion prompts. The Community Engagement Toolbox is flexible enough for groups to use with audiences of varying ages, demographics and literacy levels.

Take our Impact survey

We want to learn more about how the films made an impact. Please take a moment to fill out our Audience Impact Survey.

  • The short films gave me so much hope! They show different ways you can make changes in your community all across Canada ... They feature bold and inspiring changemakers who make you feel that anyone can show up for their communities.

    Myriam Bérubé, Consulting Director Québec - Tamarack Institute

  • "Thank you so much for including us on this partnership. Our community members have very much appreciated the opportunities!"

    Leigh Naturkach, Executive Director, The Mosaic Institute


venue Partners

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